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Making sense of the Metaverse

Updated: Sep 4, 2021

Meta-what now?


Metaverse. The Metaverse. Metaverses. You’re probably starting to hear these terms pop up in your nerdy crypto friends’ conversation more regularly. But what are they? You’ve come to the right place.

View across Metaverse megacity skyline
Only ten years from now, could this be your view every time you plug-in to the Metaverse?

Metaverses are planned to be the new frontier of the digital age we now inhabit. Internet 3.0, and then some.

In its ultimate expression, it is a complete sensory immersion in a fantasy digital world hosted entirely on the internet. Be anyone, live anywhere, do/play anything. Want to VR into your favourite video game on a desert island in Tahiti? No problem. Need a mountain lair in the Himalayas to plan your next NFT project? Metaverse’s got you. Live in Columbus, Ohio, but want to build your own virtual Art Gallery in Paris to sell your latest NFT collection? Easy. Maybe you’re planning your Halloween party in the actual Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania. A few clicks… it’s all possible in the Metaverse space.

Or at least, it will be.

NFT award in front of digital avatar render
The potential that NFT's have within the Metaverse is huge.

And that’s the reason you’re hearing about these spaces now: the opportunity. Very little is ‘ready’ yet. If Metaverses (MVs) are the next stage of the internet, and following the path of that incredible innovation, then this is the early 1990s. And lots of projects are right at the very beginning of their journey. Most will not make it. Those that do may just become the Apple or Facebook of the Mid 21st Century.

Some spaces are planned to be highly realistic graphical interfaces, whilst others will be relatively pixelated resolution. Roblox, Decentraland and Alien Worlds MVs all fit into the latter camp, whilst Earth 2, After Earth and Next Earth are more in the former.

The Uncensored Library in Minecraft
The 'Uncensored Library' in Minecraft makes available articles and books that are banned in certain countries.

Some are housed within limited land space, like Decentraland and Sandbox. Others contain virtually limitless spaces the size of entire, even multiple worlds. These include Earth 2, Alien Worlds, After Earth and Roblox.

And there are other differences between all these platforms, each trying to carve out an identity for themselves and attract your attention and crucially, your investment.

Because now is the moment in which early entrants, like us, are buying up land space within the games. We estimate between 500,000 and 1,000,000 users are currently speculating on the success of various platforms across the world: buying up famous landmarks, investing in places that produce resources, and clubbing together to form communities within each of the nascent communities.

It’s confusing, but don’t worry: this is the place where we try to make it all make sense. Without giving you investment advice*, we’ll guide you through these strange new worlds. In fact, we’re on this journey with you.

Welcome to MetaMash …Let’s get started.

*Nothing you read on constitutes, or is meant to constitute, investment advice. Everything we prepare and distill here is for informational purposes. You should be aware before making any investment into Metaverses, their cryptocurrencies or coins, or associated NFTs (Non-fungible Tokens) that these are high-risk, highly volatile investments with very limited probability of success. If you choose to invest in these assets, you risk losing all or part of your investment. See our Legal Disclaimer for more information.



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